Thursday, September 1, 2011


Welcome to the blog!
Like so many people, I've finally jumped on the blog wagon. Hopefully I'll be able to keep this going. (I've been known to fall of of that wagon once or twice before).

To be honest, I don't think I really ever found my blog nitch. I'd come up with some title that always included my name somehow. -- karenblogsalot, karencreative, sketchbookkaren, karencreations, ext.

It was a little redundant and I'd always get annoyed with the blog and give up, start afresh, new name, new style,.... you get the point.

This time, however, I hope is different. No name in the title, no "style" per se, just good old fashioned writing and photos, maybe some drawings here and there.

And this time I have inspiration. Inspiration that comes in a brand new white house with red shutters!!

Yep, I also jumped on the homeowners wagon. Now that is a wagon I hope to never fall from!
It wasn't too hard to jump into that group though, what with all of the great low-interest rates.

My boyfriend Chad and I bought a brand new (well new to us) 1951 house in Des Moines. I never really thought I'd be a homeowner at 27, but it's cheaper than rent and so much more fun.
Well, cheaper in the fact that our mortgage could be considered cheaper than some rent. I'm not talking about all of the upkeep though. I know that will be much more. But it's my house and my upkeep. Bring on the projects!